
is it fair to judge my partner

Ask Leslie: Is it fair to judge my partner during a time of crisis?

DEAR LESLIE,  I’ve been with my partner for 4 years, however, we’ve never argued more than we do now. It’s led me to rethink if I want to continue the relationship. Is it fair to judge my partner during a time of crisis? – Quarantina… Dear Quarantina…, Is it fair to judge your partner? People are not themselves during a time of panic and uncertainty, which leads to anxiety for many. Is it fair to…


The Perennial Case of the Other Woman… As Told by Leslie

If you are the “other woman” in your relationship, you probably fell for him without knowing he or she had another life. When you met, he/she had no wedding band, was always available to talk, and he/she wined and dined you eventually, though, his secret came out, and yet, you did not leave. At first, you stayed believing that the relationship you “built” was so strong and so right that he would leave his other…


5 Things the Coronavirus Has Taught Me About My Partner of 23 Years

My spouse is not only my life mate of 23 years, but he is also my business partner for nearly two decades, and while I thought I knew almost everything about him, this time together has taught me some new things while happily reaffirming others. The coronavirus has taught me that my partner is a news junkie.  I always knew that my spouse had a massive appetite for the news in our world and the…


Ask Leslie: Divorce, Cohabiting, and the Coronavirus. Help!

DEAR LESLIE,  I am divorcing my husband of 15 years plus. Just before the coronavirus struck, we were able to file for a divorce, however, we still live under the same roof – a reality I have yet to adjust to. Please share your advice. – Breaking point Breaking point… Here are my tips for navigating the coronavirus, divorce and cohabiting. Keep your distance while living in the same house. This may be somewhat impossible,…


Ask Leslie: Unmarried couple wants to purchase a home. What’s next?

DEAR LESLIE,   What advice would you give an unmarried couple who would like to purchase a house together?  – Full house… Dear Full House…, Buying a house with the person you love is an exciting and wonderful experience. It can be both emotionally and financially satisfying.                However, if you are unmarried, there are several things you will want to consider. Should you separate or should one party pre-decease…

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