Tying the Knot


Ask Leslie: Should I rekindle with my ex during a quarantine? 

DEAR LESLIE,  Should I rekindle with my ex during a quarantine? An ex has reached out during the pandemic and we’ve revived our friendship and maybe romance. However, I can’t keep wondering if we take that next step will the magic disappear once quarantine is over.  – Lovestruck2x Dear Lovestruck2x…, With so many in quarantine and alone with their thoughts, many are questioning if they should rekindle with an ex. These thoughts are usually prompted…


Ask Leslie: How can I avoid my partner’s debt should we marry?

DEAR LESLIE,   How Can I Avoid My Partner’s Debt Should We Marry? – Debtless Dear Debtless… This question is often asked in relation to credit card debt. Similar to the money that you earned before getting married, which belongs to the individual that earned it, debt acquired before the marriage belongs to that individual as well. The key here is not to co-mingle your premarital debt i.e., becoming an authorized user on your spouse’s credit…


A Dive Into Consciously Coupling With Prenuptial Agreements 

The breakup of Gwyneth and Chris thrust the idea of amicable divorce into the spotlight. The term Paltrow used in describing the process they used was “conscious uncoupling”- which begs the question: what about conscious coupling? What I have found in my career as a matrimonial attorney is that a prenuptial agreement is the best way to consciously couple. Think about it: A couple who has a prenuptial agreement has already sat down together as…


Ask Leslie: Unmarried couple wants to purchase a home. What’s next?

DEAR LESLIE,   What advice would you give an unmarried couple who would like to purchase a house together?  – Full house… Dear Full House…, Buying a house with the person you love is an exciting and wonderful experience. It can be both emotionally and financially satisfying.                However, if you are unmarried, there are several things you will want to consider. Should you separate or should one party pre-decease…


Un-Packing the Empowered Married Woman… As Told by Leslie

Many of the women who come to my office seeking counsel appear broken, with little self-esteem and no avenue of independent financial support. They have become prisoners in their own marriages and don’t know how to change their circumstances, because they no longer have the financial means, let alone the emotional strength, to do so. Perhaps the saddest part of the situation is that many of these women may never have had to walk into…

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