6 Considerations Every Couple Should Discuss Before Getting Married

You have found your life mate and are ready to move forward on the road to marital bliss. Before making that lifetime commitment, there are a few things you can do with your partner to avoid some of the bumps in the road that can delay or even sabotage your trip down the aisle.    Decide where you will live your new life together.      Before getting married, one of you may have to…


Ask Leslie: How can I get him to marry me?

DEAR LESLIE,  I’ve been with my boyfriend for several years on and off. We’re currently off and dating around but are still in communication. I miss him all the time. He most recently shared that he loves me but he’s not sure if I’m the one. How can I get him to marry me? –  Ringonthebrain Dear Ring on the Brain…, We have all been there. You meet someone, fall head over heels believing the…

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