Month: September 2020

Ask Leslie: How can I get him to marry me?

DEAR LESLIE,  I’ve been with my boyfriend for several years on and off. We’re currently off and dating around but are still in communication. I miss him all the time. He most recently shared that he loves me but he’s not sure if I’m the one. How can I get him to marry me? –  Ringonthebrain Dear Ring on the Brain…, We have all been there. You meet someone, fall head over heels believing the…


Life After Divorce: How to learn from others… As Told by Leslie

Life after divorce is, at times, viewed as terrifying due mostly to the unknown of what is to come. Where will I live, and what will I do? Who will I become? Truthfully the only way to shake this fear is to take a hands-on approach to plan your future and make the unknown familiar. It is often easier said than done, but with the help of others can be less challenging than perceived.  To…

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